A New Pangea
We humans love to define our turf: politically, socially, geographically. In the course of our species’ evolution we’ve embraced the concept of territories, city states, empires, and countries. We’ve delineated their borders in sand, and then we’ve fought and died for them—or killed to possess them—only to have them morph into something else with time.

Are We the Dream?
Astrophysicists hypothesize that 85 percent of the matter in the universe is dark matter, which we can’t sense. Or to put it another way, everything we see in the universe is only 15 percent of what’s actually there. But what is dark matter really?

It’s Time Rivers Had Rights
What if rivers had formal rights, enshrined by governments and recognized by nations? The right to flow. The right to flood. The right to nurture the life forms that live within them. Those who live by rivers know them as living entities with moods and personalities. They have meandered through the stories we humans tell ourselves for thousands of years . . .

The Joys and Sorrows of Cloning Ourselves
What would it mean if we could all bring another life into the world, no matter the sexual organs we were born with? With cloning we would no longer need a sperm and an egg, a man and a woman, to create new life. But what expectations would we put upon our clone child? Because they share our exact gene expression, would we assume too much?