Truth is stranger than fiction

In my other life, I am a freelance writer and editor. I often write profiles of scientists and their research for Cornell University. Over the years, I’ve interviewed many brilliant, creative people who are doing cutting-edge science that has the potential to change the world. Here are some of my favorites.

Glowing Planets and Chemical Fingerprints

In 1995, astronomers found the first known planet around a sun-like star outside our solar system. Now, as of 2022, close to 5,000 exoplanets have been found.

Our Indispensable Pollinating Bees

Forget the honeybee. Wild bees are the queens of pollinators.

Leading the Soil Carbon Revolution

Johannes Lehmann, is leading a revolution to overturn a long-held scientific belief regarding the fundamental nature of soil.

Creating Materials That Mimic Nature

Nature is full of biological materials with the ability to change properties as needed. The trunks of many trees, for example, stand firm and strong yet can bend in a wind without breaking. Octopuses can change the color and texture of their skin as well as the shape of their bodies. Pine cones can open and shut their scales to time the release of seeds . . .