Nonfiction Portfolio

OVPRI Research Website Articles

Farmer-Led Climate Action

The changing climate is already affecting domesticated crops, as well as wild plants and animals that contribute to human survival. Yet, there is hope.

Leading the Soil Carbon Revolution

Johannes Lehmann, is leading a revolution to overturn a long-held scientific belief regarding the fundamental nature of soil.

Justice for Marginalized Communities

Beth Lyon is a practicing deportation defense lawyer on the Cornell Law faculty who works with students on cases supporting migrant rights.

Our Indispensable Pollinating Bees

Forget the honeybee. Wild bees are the queens of pollinators. Brian Danforth shows why.

Ecosystems of Plant Roots and Soil

Jenny Kao-Kniffin takes degraded ecosystems and turns them into natural, productive ones.

Website Creations/Makeovers

Served as editor, writer, and communication consultant for website creation or makeover

Center for Research on Programmable Plant Systems

International Services Office of Global Learning Website

Other Cornell Science Articles

Sustainable Energy for a High-Powered World

Migrations Project Helps Refugees Claim Health Care Rights

Powerful Design Software Brings Student Ideas to Life

Research Tackles Health and Sustainability Questions